Wednesday 11 December 2013

Week 4: Storyboards, moodboards and Art Nouveau

This week, we learnt all about storyboards and moodboards.

Storyboards are visual organisers, typically a series of illustrations displayed in sequence, for the purpose of pre-visualising a video, TV/cinema commercials, web based training, interactive media or design concept sequence.

Similarly but yet different, a moodboard is a type of scrapbook that may consist of images, texts, fabrics and samples of an object in the composition of the choice of the moodboard director.

And, also, before we went on with learning these two terms, we were first introduced to poster histories, and did a bit of research on an related art movement, namely the Art Nouveau.
The Art Nouveau is an international philosophy and style of art, architecture and applied art, that were most popular during 1890-1910. The term 'Art Nouveau' is French for new art, and German for youth style, so basically, one can say that 'Art Nouveau' is the ancestor of modern pop art, such as poster arts.

Here are some intersting examples of Art Nouveau,


Personally, I feel that this lesson really opened my eyes to the world of Visual Communications. From learning about one of the oldest forms of modern art, to understanding what a typical graphic designer does for work. This will definitely come in handy should I consider such a job for my future perspectives. The lesson was also well conducted, and allowed me to fully understand the various concepts learnt during the tutorial.

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